[urq] Urq fan

Bob bob at audisport.com
Thu Feb 17 16:37:38 EST 2005

How sweet it is. :)

I was at work the other day, and was in the kitchen with the new guy. He 
looks out the window at my UrQ and he stops. "Oh my GOD, is that what I 
think it is?"  When he found out it was mine, we talked for the next 2 
Nice to see there are still UrQ fans out there.

Brandon Rogers wrote:

>a few days ago I was out wasting gas and I pulled up to a stoplight close to my neighborhood when a Range Rover all decked out in offraodign attire pulled up next to me.  I actaully recognized the RR as one I've seen parked in front of a house close by where two other stock-looking RR's live.  SO anyway he rolls his window down and says "You _do_ know how rare that car is your driving, don't you?"
>I laughed and told him I was very aware.  Obviously a cool guy who knows....
>'84 ur
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