[urq] urg computer question

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Tue Jan 11 20:20:22 EST 2005

why not go with 034 EFI then? - Javad has intensive Audi experience and I
_believe_ it's more turnkey than megasquirt.....just a thought....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>; <tlum at flash.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 3:51 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] urg computer question

> Tony Lum <tlum at flash.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Anton,
> >
> > I for one don't see it as worth your time.  The limitation of the urq's
> > system has to be the airflow sensor plate.  As Phil Payne has found, the
> > plate's maximum deflection comes pretty quickly which means you can't
> > measure more air.  If you can't measure more air, then you can't
> > the boost to make more power.  The alternatives are many and all are
> > 034efi and megasquirt come to mind.  Up to 15 PSI, CIS turbo is OK
> > slighly lean at 13:1 A/F according to the dyno run on my WX engine (152
> > at the wheels).  Al Keene's new motor with 034efi is making 200 WHP at
> > 12 PSI and it was just smog approved!  The 034efi system is basically
> > key (you do the wiring and plumbing) with great tech support, whereas
> > the MS you get to build the whole thing from the board up.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Tony
> > '83 ur-quattro #302
> Hi,
> There is another option to going efi, which I'm exploring.  That is to
> have someone build your Megasquirt for you, or to buy an assembled one
> such as from Ebay.  There are folks that seem to pretty professionally
> assemble the ecu's, so you don't have to do it yourself.
> Mine will be about as turnkey as can be expected for a Megasquirt.
> It's been assembled by a guy who's running it on his 5kcstq, so I'm
> actually getting it with the maps and stuff already loaded.  He also
> does chips so I had him modify my MAC10 ecu for the overboost cut and
> ignition timing.
> Cheers,
> Ken
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