[urq] Brakes

Andrew B andrew.sb at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 21:51:04 EST 2005

Well, he suggested that the brake line may have been collapsed, as
they appear to be original brake lines but replacement rotors.  I
think G60 is what I'm looking for...I was told they had been upgraded,
and I have slotted rotors and Pagid pads.  After a drive (of any
length), the right front wheel is warmer then the others. After a long
drive, it's hot.  I would assume the pinched brake line would prevent
the fluid from returning, whereas a stuck caliper would not, thus the
logic for the bleeder valve.

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 18:21:37 -0800, Buchholz, Steven
<Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> wrote:
> ... I am unfamiliar with the nomenclature you are using ... the urq (in
> the US) came with the G54 (single piston) front calipers.  Many folks
> have adapted the G60 (dual piston) calipers from the Type 44 cars to the
> urq (along with the associated smaller diameter front brake rotor).  I'm
> presuming that you meant to say G60 ... they should be fairly available,
> you can probably get a rebuilt caliper at many good FLAPS ...
> >From my point of view fluid coming out a bleeder on the caliper with the
> brakes released would more likely be a sign that there is a problem in a
> master cylinder or somewhere other than the caliper ... when the brakes
> are released the fluid should flow back toward the reservoir to relieve
> the pressure.  You might ba able to tell if you have a sticky caliper by
> comparing the brake temp of the left and right front after a short
> drive.  Be careful, brakes get very hot even when used lightly ... don't
> just grab the rotor with you hand as a test!  I've got a thermocouple
> based temp probe for my DMM ... you can get infrared temp gauges
> nowadays for a pretty reasonable price ...
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Upon going to Autobahn performance, I learned a sticky brake caliper
> > may be the cause of the wobble I feel at speed.  Does anybody have a
> > good place to get a new caliper?  I've sourced stainless lines from
> > blau (25) and 2bennett (30), but if I have to get a new caliper, where
> > is a good place to get an S60 right front?  I don't know if it's the
> > caliper or line, but i'll see if I can figure it out when it warms up
> > or I go home.  The PO said it has a brake upgrade, but I'm not sure
> > which...I assume it's the s60...or is it g60?
> >
> > Also, the mechanic suggested, in order to test which is sticking, to
> > press the brakes real hard, then open up the bleeder...if fluid comes
> > out with no pressure on the pedal, then it should, in theory, be the
> > caliper.  Correct?
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