[urq] Aftermarket Wheel Bolts

BTMeadows at aol.com BTMeadows at aol.com
Thu Jul 21 11:12:37 EDT 2005

In a message dated 7/21/2005 9:35:42 A.M. US Eastern Standard Time,  
n-engelbert at terrans.net writes:

Places  may not be willing to help because you're asking for lengths in  

No, "longer than stock" pretty much translates into millimeters or  inches.  
They're not helping because I'm not buying a set of rims (could be  a 
liability issue).  I have had no problem finding the stock  bolt......plenty of those 
to go around.  The Tire Rack, Konig, Discount  Tire all refuse to sell the 
bolts separately.  I'll call Luke and see if I  have any luck.  Thanks.

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