[urq] T-Shirts and a pull over

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Thu Jun 2 23:07:43 EDT 2005

I got home today and marched to my mailbox, disappointment city, just crap 
in da box, so I trudged to my front door, a package by da door! addressed to 
Billy Ray Bob Bennett!!! Brandon packaged it and Mr. Mailman got his hairy 
white butt outta the truck and put it by my door! Inside,, perfect, just 
what I ordered,, and wanted. and packed so nicely, the next time I need to 
pack anything I am calling Brandon for tips, he folds things right! Thanks 
for doing this Brandon.
 Really Bestus Regardus Stuff, Bill PS oh what the hell, why not he deserves 
it, godpeed (no religion thing implied) to Brandon 

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