[urq] Alternat wheel sizes and matching tires for 1985 ur-q

Martin Pajak Martin at quattro.ca
Mon Jun 6 14:01:24 EDT 2005

225/50 15... best looking and fitting tire..
Stock size "looks" a bit too small.

Martin Pajak


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Justin Riley" <jriley at ctiusa.com>
Date:  Mon, 6 Jun 2005 13:31:55 -0400

>Hey guys,
>I have a gift certificate for some Ronal wheels that I need to use.  I am trying to figure out what optional sizes can be run, with tire sizes, and not rub on an '85 that has been lowered with H&R springs and Bilstein HDs?
>It would also be nice if the same wheel and tire combo fit my 1994 S4....
>16x8 et 35 with 225/45/16s is one answer...how many others are there?
>-Justin Riley
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