[urq] Hot Start/Thermal wrap

Andrew B andrew.sb at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 18:06:45 EDT 2005

Sounds good.  I have an upgraded downpipe, btw, I'm not sure who made
it, but it's single tube instead of the (?) twin tube stock pipe.  I
should be able to wrap enough of it to significantly cool the area
near the starter.  I can't get all the way up to the turbo, but we'll
see if I can work something out this evening.  It'll be pretty hot in
that area regardless of whether the downpipe is wrapped (turbo,
exhaust manifold).

I do have two heat shields on the starter right now.  One is wrapped
tightly, the other is a little more loose.  They are aluminum with a
fiberglass backing.  Maybe I'll pick up some ducting or something to
try and rig another shield off the downpipe.

If this doesn't fix it I'll start working on the starter.  Thanks for
the input, all.


On 6/8/05, spot.ontheroad <spot.ontheroad at virgin.net> wrote:
> Andrew
> I have done the following to my car and never have hot start problems:
> Wrapped the starter in heat reflective wrap similar to standard.
> Fitted an aluminium heat shield around the starter.
> Removed my downpipe completely and wrapped it top to bottom with thermal
> bandage.
> Removed the auxillary radiator and raplced my rad with one from a coupe
> quattro but had it rebuilt with a 5-row core (standard is 2-row)
> The thermal bandage takes heat away from the engine bay area, the removal of
> the auxillary rad allows more ari in to the turbo/inlet manifold area and
> helps keep things cooler. I have no problems with over heating or getting
> hot. The temp gauge is always mid-way between cold and normal. I would not
> have removed it without increasing the efficiency of the main rad though. To
> do this you will need the hoses and thermostat housing from the coupe or
> coupe quattro set up.
> Also make sure the injector cooling fan cuts in when it is supposed to. This
> happens very rarely nowadays.
> It is worth removing the downpipe fully and doing the job properly. I tried
> to remove it from underneath, After lots of cut knuckles and bad language I
> removed everything in that side of the engine and did it properly. With all
> that out it is worth making a new heatshield for your LHS engine mount if
> the old one is tatty. I made one from SS.
> Hope this helps.
> All the best
> Keith
> '87 WR
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew B" <andrew.sb at gmail.com>
> To: <urq at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 3:47 AM
> Subject: [urq] Hot Start/Thermal wrap
> Just removed my downpipe...well, as much as I can with everything
> still in the car.  I'm having fairly regular hot start problems.  When
> it's hot outside, and I drive hard or in stop and go, the car won't
> turn over.  With a jump, it starts fine.  Thanks to somebody's
> suggestion, I'm assuming that it's the starter absorbing heat...so I
> figured I would wrap the exhaust with one of those thermal wraps to
> help keep temperatures down, and maybe vent the hood, but that's way
> off in the future.
> Anyways, I can't quite get the DP all the way out of the car.  Being
> that it was night, I was alone, and I don't really know what I'm
> doing, I left it halfway out.  Should I wrap it as far as I can?
> It'll cover the portion nearest the starter, but not all the way up to
> the turbo.  Should I continue to try and remove the pipe so that I can
> wrap the whole thing?  Will it matter?  Will it work?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Andrew
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