[urq] crumpled accelerator pedal bushings...

daniel darlington lanky_d at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 15 11:31:44 EDT 2005

i've got these bushings from the dealer ($$).  i think vw golf is the same and made of better rubber.  they are both the same.

Thomas Pollock <tompollock2002 at yahoo.com> wrote:Hi guys...

hey some have asked that I take some pictures of the mechanism (weight/hinge) that sits between the pedal and cable which I had the catastrophic bushing failure. Well, for your viewing pleasure...

(hopefully this works, I've never tried using a photo albumn and hope this doesn't violate some list rules...)


These pictures show just how dried out the bushings were in my car. It appears there are no clips of any sort holding the bushings in. They simply hold in place and the cable slide through the top and the pin side goes to the pedal. Notice the dust just from positioning the thing... sheesh...


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-daniel a. darlington
1983 ur-Q (green, totalled)
2001 A4 2.8q (5spd, new to me)
pile 'o' crap Alfa 164 (junk i tells ya!)
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