[urq] Speedo Accuracy

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Thu Jun 16 11:54:14 EDT 2005

Data point here - I had the chance recently to drive by ( a couple times) one of those neighborhood radar signs - you know - that tell you how fast you are going - an appeal to your conscience..)  anyway I kept the speedo right at 30 and got a readout of 27 on the radar sign - a couple times.  This is with new (3000 miles?) Dunlop SP 8000 225/50 15 on 8 x 15's.  Now if I can just remember to keep the speedo at about 82 when I want to go 75.  I'm assuming it won't always be 3 off - but it will be about 6 off at 60 and so on...anyone know different?

FWIW my A4 was right on.


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