[urq] Sport Quattro Brakes-how big?

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Mon Jun 27 17:44:04 EDT 2005

At 01:29 PM 6/27/2005, djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:
>1) The 996 calipers must be machined on the mounting face to move them 
>closer to the hub.
>2) The SQ rotors need to have 4mm taken off the face that the wheel mounts 
>up to.  This is because the Urq hub center doesn't stick out far enough to 
>engage the center of the wheel.  Buying the SQ hubs ins't really an option 
>to solve this issue because the cost is too high.
>I don't have the rotor part number, but I'm sure Tim at Sunset could look 
>them up without a problem.
>I don't track the Urq.  However, this setup has been tracked and found to 
>work very well.

Hi Dave,

Just how big were the SQ rotors anyway?


'83 urq #302 

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