[urq] Old Guy? Not Yet...

Mike Veglia msvphoto at pacbell.net
Tue Mar 1 16:39:40 EST 2005

In a message dated 3/1/2005 "j.koenig"
<j.koenig at adelphia.net> writes:

<< That's a much more eloquent version of the
corrolary:  'the perfect racing engine is one that's
stressed to the point of maximum performance, then
blows up while crossing the finish line in 1st place.'

This year in F1 that would be while crossing the
finsih line in first place, of the second race!

Audi content, the Audi R8 engines are reputed to last
10k km which covers a whole bunch of ALMS races. I
guess that makes 'em beyond "perfect" ;-)

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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