[urq] Head question 2

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Wed Mar 2 16:34:50 EST 2005

Personally - I would try to avoid driving the car although I don't really
know how much damage you can do.  These cars do not normally burn coolant
when they're cold.  You gots some fun ahead of you...

'84 ur
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew B" <andrew.sb at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:23 AM
Subject: [urq] Head question 2

> Little bit of an update:
> After replacing a frozen caliper yesterday, I took the car out for a
> spin around the neighborhood (1/2 mile loop).  On the first and second
> lap, I was leaving a large trail of white smoke behind me.  It
> dissipated fairly quickly, but not immediately.  By the third lap, the
> cloud was gone, and there was no trail.  Do these cars just burn
> coolant when they're cold?  Could the head be making a better seal
> after it warms up a little?
> I'm making plans to dig into the engine and replace the
> gasket/whatever else is needed ASAP, but for the meantime I'm still
> driving, but not a lot.  How bad of an idea is this?  Am I going to
> cause more damage to the block (assuming I'm going to replace/repair
> the head when I get in there)?  Will it survive until I can get around
> to it?
> Thanks for all your help guys,
> -Andrew
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