[urq] water cooled turbo conversion

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Wed Mar 2 18:42:38 EST 2005

At 01:05 PM 3/2/2005, a.j.gaidos at comcast.net wrote:
>  Didi Ferris at Carlsen had put together a kit to upgrade the old oil 
> cooled turbos to the water jacketed K26. She's long gone so who do we 
> contact and does anyone have her old parts list?
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Hi Anton,

This is a partial list of the major items, you'd also need various hose clamps.

Ref: FA P/L for '87 5cstq

1. 035 121 133 T        outlet flange, same as on 5kcstq
2. 035 102 111 B        union, this is the freeze plug replacement
3. 035 121 497 B        hose, lower from freeze plug to turbo
4. 035 121 498 C        hose, upper from turbo, runs behind timing cover
5. 035 121 498 B        hose, flange to #4 above
6. 903 580 01           banjo bolt to flange
7. N 013 814 9  copper sealing washer for #6 above



'83 ur-quattro # 302

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