[urq] wiring harness connector contacts

Martin Pajak Martin at quattro.ca
Thu Mar 10 13:09:35 EST 2005


If you have a newer style (underhood) fuse box, which I think you do.  There is no need for cutting... most if not all engine connectors will simply plug into the original fusebox.. your Ur-q and 200q share the same fusebox... so sme connections..
The main one is the black connector..

If you want I can send you a sheet of where each of the Motronic connections plug into.

Martin Pajak


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Mike Sylvester" <msylvester at verizon.net>
Date:  Thu, 10 Mar 2005 13:04:51 -0500

>I am in the process of merging my 3B harness with the urq harness and would
>like to avoid cutting and splicing wire.
>Does anyone know of a good source to buy the contacts that are in the
>Mike Sylvester
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