[urq] Re: Stainless Steel Braided Brake Lines

Jim Green jim.green at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 21:39:26 EST 2005

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 14:14:11 EST, AUDIJIM at aol.com <AUDIJIM at aol.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a source for quality stainless steel braided brake lines for
> my UrQuattro and my type 44. I've bought them before from GPR? maybe? and I
> wasn't very happy with the quality of the product. I remember a thread about the
> used of the non-DOT braided lines because they were of a better quality.
> Thanks,

Jim, I've been making my own lines from Earls brake fittings for the
past four years with great results.  I'm just now replacing them, but
this time I'm using the black plastic coated XRP SS -3 line. The
coating keeps all the grit out of the mesh liner, which is nice. 
Don't buy the GPR lines, you'll be lucky to get the right lengths and
fitings the first time.

Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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