Not Gobi ?- owner writes it was repainted.: [urq] Lofty goal? orGrand dilusion...

Eric Renneisen racingiron at
Tue Mar 15 22:55:26 EST 2005

It's also possible that the color changes over time.  Any car with
original paint and typical mileage has surely seen lots of sun over the
years.  If your only reference is 20 year old original paint, you might
not recognize the factory fresh color.

It seems to me that tornado red gets darker and/or blue-ish over time.
My 180K+ CQ (with recent clean/polish/wax) next to a 20K garage queen CQ
at Mid-Ohio a few years ago made that clear.  My '86 with fresh Glasurit
t-red looks like that garage queen, but if I only had old nags to
compare it to, I'd think it was a shade off.  Maybe this eBay car is
what all Gobi cars looked like in the showroom, ca. '83?

Also, pictures on the web can't really tell you much.  The camera,
lighting, development/scanner (if film), software, and even your vid
card and monitor all have a hand in the image.

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at [mailto:urq-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Ingo Rautenberg
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:13 PM
To: steven j; Ingo Rautenberg
Cc: urq at
Subject: Re: Not Gobi ?- owner writes it was repainted.: [urq] Lofty
goal? orGrand dilusion...

Naw,  A good paint shop should be able to duplicate the original color.
However, it's quite possible that they didn't like the Gobi shade of
gold (it was called gobi Beige Metallic, after all) and so went for
something similar.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "steven j" <michellepfeiffersx at>
To: "Ingo Rautenberg" <i.rautenberg at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 6:13 PM
Subject: Not Gobi ?- owner writes it was repainted.: [urq] Lofty goal?
or Grand dilusion...

> In the ebay writeup owner says the car was repainted.
> Is there a good reason why one wouldn't go for exactly
> the same color - like cost??  I ordered a spray can of
> Gobi from audi for $21 but I imagine when it comes to
> to be repainted I'm going to try to get the original
> color.  BTW my can of Montego black was $24.
> steve
> --- Ingo Rautenberg <i.rautenberg at> wrote:
> > You mean this one?
> >
> >
> > As an authority on Gobi, I can tell you it's not a
> > true Gobi (a good thing
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