[urq] Help me with my Boost pressure testing methodology

Ingo Rautenberg irautenberg at comcast.net
Wed Mar 16 23:46:08 EST 2005

Thanks, Ado

Pressure test (on major plumbing) came out perfectly and spraying statrting
fluid on all the other hoses revealed nothing.  Actually, I think I've
narrowed it down to the fuel distributor (ouch!) or possibly melted cat.
The ECU tests seem OK.  Still need to check fuel flow (pressure checks out
OK as well).

Suggestions welcome.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ado Sigal" <a.sigal at bluewin.ch>
Cc: "Ingo Rautenberg" <i.rautenberg at waratap.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] Help me with my Boost pressure testing methodology

> Ingo, you should plug top of the ribbed hose from the igloo on one side,
> and hose into throttle body on the other, with one end valved. Most
> suspect components are in that chain. Have seen several places selling
> those, mostly for RS2. Brewing industry supplier should carry that size
> plugs in various materials.
> Cheers,
> Ado
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