[urq] DO I still use the large round thermostat
Ingo Rautenberg
i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Mar 17 15:44:44 EST 2005
OK, how about this: Get yourself some blue or red RTV sealant at your
favorite auto parts store. Clean the mating surfaces of the flange and
thermostat housing. Do not used the rubber gasket. Instead, apply the rtv
to either the thermostat housing or the flange on the head, let cure for
about 5 minutes and bolt it right up. Let it sit overnight and do your
flushing procedure. I don't see a problem with this. Are you just flushing
the system, or are you changing coolant types (I don't recall from your
original post). If you are changing coolant type (like from Audi blue to
Audi pink), then I'd get soem replacement freeze plugs and remove the lower
most ones from the block to make absolutely sure you've removed every trace
of the old (incompatible) coolant. At least those are my thoughts.
Good luck.
'91 200q20v...Slightly modified
'84 Tornado Red Urquattro (sidelined)
'91 v8 pearl quattro 5-Speed (not exactly stock) :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "steven j" <michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com>
To: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] DO I still use the large round thermostat
> Oh this is gettings scary/complex. I was the original poster on this.
> I was thinking with the thermostat out it would make it easier for me to
drain and re-fill the system several times, just dealing with the small
diameter hose that goes from the resevoir to the bottom rear of the
radiator. I'd always thought that it was having the thermostat closed when
the system is filled that results in air pockets and incomplete filling.
> I nervous that I'll do more harm than good if I don't completely refill
the system. I made this mistake with an old ford. Filled it up, drove it
around, thermostat opened, let it cool. Then I found the radiator very
empty and 2 more quarts. The next week the intake manifold started
leaking coolant.
> I think I've run other cars in the past without the thermostat - but they
had one of those flat paper gaskets. I havent look at this situation
carefully but it looks like our round rubber gasket might not stay put
without the thermostat.
> steve
> steve
> "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com> wrote:
> ... I understood the desire ... but my point was that it isn't clear to
> me that the water pump would necessarily do much with no t-stat in place
> ... I'm pretty sure the t-stat switches the flow from an internal cycle
> to one that includes the radiator. What happens if all the passages are
> opened? That's the question I'm posing. Can it create a situation
> where the pump is not able to send fluid anywhere?
> Steve
> >
> > I thought the original poster (sorry - forget who) just
> > wanted to flush out
> > the cooling system and wanted to remove the t-stat to help
> > flow through the
> > system and not have it leak at the T-stat....no? And then
> > re-install t-stat after flushing.....
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