[urq] New England UrQ GTG
Brandon Rogers
brogers at terrix.com
Tue Mar 22 17:57:31 EST 2005
no such thing. They are all beautiful in their own way - especially if
they're used. I recall, back in the 80's seeing a well-used 911SC one
winter day in a parking lot - it had snow tires and a ski rack on the back
and the front end was all chipped from the sanded winter roads. It was
awesome- much better than a spotless never used machine....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob" <bob at audisport.com>
To: "Pasqualoni, James E" <james.pasqualoni at gs.com>
Cc: "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] New England UrQ GTG
>I have what is undoubtedly one of the ugliest UrQs on 5 continents. The
>paint is tragic on it. I consider it "work in progress" however. Now that
>it runs great, cosmetics are next on the list. If you have the "ugliest
>UrQ" trophy, then Ill attend, it will be a slam dunk.
> Pasqualoni, James E wrote:
>>Prior to departing for the warm breezes of the Hawaiian islands, Eric
>>has offered to host an UrQ get-together at his home in West Newton, MA.
>>Below is some info to hopefully help you make a decision as to how/if/when
>>you'll be able to make it:
>>-Date: Saturday April 30, 2005
>>-Location: Home of Capt. Eric Harten, just off the Mass Pike (I90) in
>>Newton, MA
>>-Events: BBQ, swap meet, then a drive in our fine cars
>>-What to Bring: Food and beverages for yourselves (grilles will be
>>available), your UrQ and yourselves!
>>Please let me know your interest so I can keep Eric apprised!
>>Thanks and hope to see you on April 30!
>>D'Amato-spare us the excuses-let's see that 20v beast!
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