[urq] Re: Santa Cruz UPG

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 22:58:37 EST 2005

South Carolina?   ;-)

I have been waiting to chime in because I'd really like to attend this
GTG.  I haven't been up the coast (LA centric view) in a long time and
would really like to do it in conjunction with a URQ GTG.

I'm wondering about the when.  Probably too soon, given the stage of
the discussion, but I do have a wedding to attend in August or so,
probably in or near Temecula.  My parents live in LA and hey, I can't
carry over vacation from year to year anymore so... road trip!

Now I just need to fix the ignition cutout.  Hey, she did the Park
City event without a hitch last fall.  Well, a small hitch.  Not sure
I want to traverse the western US with an occasional ear-splitting


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <rndlitebmw at aol.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 6:57 PM
Subject: [urq] Re: Santa Cruz UPG

> I know I've been lurking for awhile, but I'd be happy to organize
> something in SLO county if you guys want to go that route, I think I
> can trust my car to make it that far :)  I'd be happy to drive to SC
> LA too. There's all kinds of options as far as drives/ meeting
> here.
> Tucker Fritch
> Los Osos, CA
> '83 Alpine UrQ 900460
> '86 4kcsq
> '82 Vanagon
> '68 2002
> '92 4Runner
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