[urq] Re: WUR/CPR WX pic

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Mar 31 10:55:37 EST 2005

Pic of my WX CPR/WUR vacuum line connections:

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>; "Ingo Rautenberg"
<i.rautenberg at waratap.com>; "James Howard" <spam.me1 at ntlworld.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: WUR/CPR was Re: [urq] Parts recommendations

> This clarifies a bit:
> The cold engine acceleration enrichment system is complicated. There is a
> pressure differential diaphragm inside the control pressure regulator
> also alters the control pressure (the main control is the bimetal strip).
> The two vacuum lines are connected to each side of this diaphragm. Under
> load conditions both sides are drawn to the same vacuum by the fat hose.
> Under high loads, the fat hose loses its vacuum, raising pressure on its
> side of the diaphragm - however the other side stays at high vacuum due to
> the one way valve going to it. Once the engine has warmed up, the thermo
> switch opens allowing the vacuum to drop on the small lines side as well.
> Hence, while the engine is cold, enrichment under load depends on the
> lines between the thermo switch, the one way valve, and the control
> regulator maintaining low pressure conditions.
> From Huw's diagram.
> It seems to me that theas per factory plumbing for the UrQ is just not
> right.  Huw's layout makes more sense.  Just need to figure the best way
> apply this info. to using positive pressure.

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