[urq] [V8] OT -- but not really Garage Floor epoxy recommendations

Korn, Bob Bob.Korn at Fike.com
Tue Oct 4 18:20:07 EDT 2005

I used the Rustoleum product, a two part epoxy, you can find at local
big box home centers.  I spent approximately 12 hours cleaning and
etching the floor with acid, and rinsing and rinsing and rinsing and
scrubbing and rinsing and rinsing, you get the idea?   I do have a three
car garage so I had a lot of floor, however the concrete was only 3
years old and not very dirty. I did this all when we moved in, before we
filled the garage with stuff.  With this product you could not park a
car on it for 7 days.

 I still had hot tire pick up in a few spots, meaning when you park a
vehicle with hot tires on the floor, when you move the car next time, it
peels up the paint.  I complained to Rustoleum, after much complaining
they finally sent me a repair kit.  For the cost, the product is OK,
however next time I will try a different product.  The others I have
researched will cost 3 or 4 times more than the rustoleum product.
Rustoleum runs about $50 gallon, a gallon will cover a single car area.
I used three gallons to do my floor. 

I have spilled copious amounts of oil, hydraulic oil(I do own a V8 you
know!), and other substances and can report they all clean up nicely.  

Neighbors think I'm nuts, out in the garage with my mop and ringer
bucket cleaning the floor, my garage is definitely the nicest in the
subdivision. Of course the multiple 8 ft floresant light fixtures that
provide a middle of the day Sun effect, the perfect condition 1960's
coke machine filled with a variety of  beer, (only $.25 a bottle, oh and
all the quarters you need are in the coin return, stop by anytime, I'll
buy you a beer), the nice stereo and dish satellite system with Sirrus
radio, and nice work bench and cabinets and roll around tool boxes,  may
also influence their opinions.  :-)

 I have had 4 other people do their garages with this product after
seeing my floor.  Not sure on their results. 

90 V8  157K Pearl 17" Avus

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Eric Devansky
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:21 AM
To: Ingo Rautenberg
Cc: V8 List; UrqList; 200q20v List
Subject: Re: [V8] OT -- but not really Garage Floor epoxy

http://www.griotsgarage.com/catalog.jsp?&SKU=90011 is what I am about to
in my garage. The big thing is to make sure you clean the floor
and get all of the oil stains removed with an acid wash before you paint
floor, or the stains will show through.


On 10/4/05, Ingo Rautenberg <i.rautenberg at waratap.com> wrote:
> OK, with all the work I've been performing on the 200/V8 and Urq
> it's really getting to be time that I get rid of what's left of that
> year-old garage paint, filling up all the cracks and holes, treat the
> stains and finally Epoxy the floor. It's roughly ~450 sq ft. Any
pointers or
> BTDT / Don't do this advice? Preferred brands? Don't want it too slick
> it gets wet.
> Who better to ask than those who have to work on their cars ;-)
> -Ingo
> '91 v8 pearl quattro 5-Speed (not exactly stock) :-)
> '84 Tornado Red Urquattro
> '91 200q20v...gone
> ---
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