[urq] 2 urqs on ebay fusebox differences

Michael Hopton Michael at siliconoptix.com
Wed Oct 26 21:46:14 EDT 2005

I own an '83 with the early wiring/fuse box and 
two later model cars. I am an electrical
engineer as other list members are. The early 
electricals can be made to work there is no doubt. I 
have seen a number of the early systems versus the
later ones and I would factor in at least $1000
less for an internal fuse box, given two cars in
otherwise comparable condition. YMMV (good luck)

FWIW, I am restoring my '83 as close to original
as possible. To me that doesn't mean replacing
every high current load with a relayed source.
But, at the risk of fires and poor running, versus 
enjoyment, relays and upgrading seems like sense.

If anyone wants a good read on the issues do a 
search on Robert de Houk......

- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: urq-bounces at audifans.com on behalf of Buchholz, Steven
Sent: Wed 10/26/2005 8:46 PM
To: urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] 2 urqs on ebay  fusebox differences
... hard to say for sure from my POV ... but keep in mind that there are
a *whole bunch* more '83 WX models than 84-86 ... couldn't that have a
little bit to do with the fewer complaints?  I'll poke around the wiring
diagrams in Bentley for comparisons, but I am skeptical that there were
any substantive wiring improvements associated with the under hood box
... and I know I remember posts from folks with BTDT on problems with
them too.  Note, I'm not claiming that the MB and beyond models were not
improved ... I'm specifically talking about the WX variant.  The main
improvement with the "under hood" box is that they moved to the bladed
fuses ... which isn't that bad an improvement.  

Has anyone sat the fusebox from the early WX with the later models?
I've always wondered if the interface connectors were comparable ... or
even compatible ...

... the sorts of things I'm referring to on the newer models ... wiring
looms in doors that have got the better part of 20 wires flexing (and
breaking) in the driver's door hinge ... internal "welded" grounding
points *inside* a wiring loom ... etc. etc. ... you'll never have to
worry about that sort of a problem in an urq!

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> It is not just the type and location of the fuse box. The
> wiring itself is more brittle and the design margins a lot
> less than the later cars. The issues and pain are well
> documented, try finding the same degree of frustration
> with respect to the wiring on the later cars and it's not
> there.

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