[urq] Another electrical question...

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 00:12:41 EDT 2005

The fuel pump signal comes from the negative side of the original coil Usually a green wire, terminal "1" on the coil. Not sure about the other question, no schematics handy. BTW, where do you find schematics for an '83 UrQ? I have the '84 on ones only.
Glad to hear you are making good progress.
Tony Hoffman

Thatcher Hubbard <thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com> wrote:
All I really need
now are two wires from my 12v terminal under the dash for the fuel
injectors and the ignition coil.

Can anyone tell me exactly which pin on the fusebox of an '83 (under
dash fusebox) is the one that the fuel pump trigger comes in on? 
Using a multi-meter, I found two pins that gave me a closed circuit
when I put the postive probe of the MM into the ground trigger socket
where the FP relay plugs in.

Also, where did the RPM signal come from originally? The ECU, the coil, ???
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