[urq] anyone signed up for NHIS? Any flaggers out there?

Brett Dikeman quattro at frank.mercea.net
Sat Apr 15 14:46:26 EDT 2006

Just curious if any listers are signed up for the NAAC NHIS event May  
15-16(Monday/Tuesday)?  I believe there is lots of room for yellow 
+red students, might be for green as well (not sure) if you're not  
signed up yet and interested.  If you have any questions about the  
event, feel free to email myself, Ray Tomlinson, Peter Schulz, or  
Chris Miller (the event description is off the club website-  

We also have an "announce" list (one way, very low volume- maybe a  
few emails a month tops) if  you're in the area and would like to be  
keep posted on what the chapter is doing, etc (we have a monthly  
dinner, monthly board meetings, and a bunch of social events  
planned).  There's also a "discuss" list for discussion on anything  
chapter related...that's also fairly low volume at the moment; maybe  
a post or two a week.

Web signup for both is here:


We're looking for flaggers- experience preferred, but if you don't  
mind coming Sunday night to an informal training session, it's not  
required (it's not rocket science, but we need to cover some safety  
things to cover, the club track operation rules, and what all the  
flags mean).  If you are signed up for the event and have any family  
members that might like to tag along and have something to do,  
flagging is perfect!  Last year we had Mark Swanson's father and Tom  
Mullane flagging for us (both unexpectedly when flaggers didn't show  
up) and from what I understand, they loved it, even though the  
weather was rather lousy.  This year we're in mid-May instead of  
"hey, it might snow" early April so the weather should be much more  
pleasant :-)

   Tom even wrote a newsletter article about his trip up to NHIS to  
check it out!  Tom was curious about "what these DE things are all  
about", so he came up Sunday mid-day, hung out with us during tech 
+registration, stayed overnight, took a ride with an instructor or  
two, and flagged at a corner for a bit in the morning.  He was signed  
up for LRP within the next week!


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