[urq] 3 little questions...

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Sun Apr 16 13:21:03 EDT 2006


I can't help with #1 or #3, but #2 would appear to be a flakey  
doorjamb switch.  I suggest removing it and testing the leads.   
Haven't done it on my Urq (yet), but recently did so on a '92n  
Passat. Basically, if the main (driver's door switch) doesn't work,  
neither will whatever is linked to it.  Basically, the contact for  
ground is interrupted until the door is opened and the switch plunger  
extends.  Sometimes can be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled,  
other times replacement is the only option.  HTH



On Apr 16, 2006, at 1:00 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> 1- Anyone has replace the vinyl part that is embedded in the driver  
> side
> carpet ? Mine is slowly destroying, and I want to replace it with
> something that will last and not look out of place. Any suggestions ?
> 2- The dome light is doing strange things: sometimes, it doesn't light
> when the door is open, but lights a few seconds later. There is no  
> light
> when I play with the switch in the light, or with the door jamb  
> switch.
> And when it don't work, the cigarette lighter (which is on the same
> fuse) still works, but the trunk light doesn't. So I guess it's a
> problem with a power feed, but which one ?
> 3- The door lock pump doesn't work anymore. When I bought the car
> (2001), it was flaky but I opened it and cleaned the innards. Since  
> then
> it worked flawlessly. Could it be the driver's side switch at the door
> handle ?
> I am sure that if I dig in the trunk, the door or the dashboard I will
> discover what are the problems but I want to spare me some unwanted
> dismounting...
> Thanks in advance, and don't eat too much chocolate today,
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