[urq] URQ quirqiness

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Sat Apr 29 20:13:18 EDT 2006

DGraber460 at aol.com wrote:

>  Pull the compression gauge out and to my horror #4 & 5  don't 
>even bounce the gauge. NOTHING! 

This is a sign of h/gasket been blown through between those two 
cylinders. Strange to happen so suddenly, although the earlier missing 
problem could of been related to this. Can confirm it by filling with 
thin oil one of the cyl. on last 1/3 of compr. stroke up to the brim and 
return the s/plug. With other plugs out engage the top gear and try to 
push the car forwards a little. If you find the oil in the next 
cylinder, the HG chunk is missing. If is not, you wouldn't be able to 
turn the engine in the first place.

HTH and good luck,


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