[urq] parts etc and a gtg

Rich Letsinger rletsinger at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 12:33:20 EDT 2006

Reguarding Esmail and the Andersons, I wouldn't trust whatever scheme
they're cooking up.  I'm very active in the northwest chapter of the
ACNA, and those guys are incredibly difficult to work with.

One piece of data: Urquattro owners the Andersons may be, but they
instituted an experimentory "windows-up" rule at a recent Miller
Motorsports Park track day.  It was almost 100 degrees and some
"classic" Audis didn't have A/C but Esmail and Anderson still enforced
the rule.  It actually contradicted a MMP "windows-down" rule, but
they did their own thing anyway.  And due to the backlash that's
resulted, I believe they've ditched the idea altogether.  Those guys
don't care about anyone but themselves and their schemes.


Heh, almost sounded like Bill there for a second...


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