[urq] '83 Wiring diagram errors in Bentley

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Wed Aug 30 08:19:57 EDT 2006

Oh, boy!  Congrats and condolences ;-)  IMO (but I'm sure others  
would disagree) I'd just ditch the old flakey fusebox and rewire the  
car (updating dash and switches -- sorry purists) to '85 specs.  How  
are you with a sawzall, Bob?  A most worthy upgrade.  Otherwise, once  
you figure out the proper wiring and you've done the necessary mods  
to it you could have done the upgrade.

Not run in 17 years, you say?  Wow, only ran for 6 or 7 years.  Ha!   
What color -- Gobi?  My old '83 was # 127 or #131 -- I think #131  
(#127 was my first V8).



On Aug 29, 2006, at 5:56 PM, Robert Pastore wrote:

> I've purchased an early build '83 (#129) with a build date of 2/82.

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