[urq] RE : Fixer upper

Andrew Finney afinn1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 13:49:37 EST 2006

andrew B wrote:
Both of these cars exemplify the reasons that I'll probably never own
another UrQ.  Disturbingly modified and overpriced, and original, good
condition, but still overpriced.  Am I doing the math wrong?  Is a car
with rust holes really worth MORE THAN $10,000?

If you're watching Ebay, there's a HUGE difference between asking price and
selling price. I think that the absoulte oposite of what you said is true.
The cars are not selling for anything near what many consider their value to
be. Many only go to $5k on Ebay (even Euro ones). That car in question is
JUNK but this is a great time to buy (not sell) an UrQ. There have been
plenty of people on this list who have had a har time selling their
UrQs...me included. My '83 went for a song and it had tasteful driveability

Andrew Finney
1985 UrQ (V8)

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