[urq] Virus???

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sat Feb 11 12:11:00 EST 2006

... by no means am I an expert on the subject of spamming, phishing and 
propagating viruses, but I can tell you with pretty high certainty that the 
crap you are receiving is not coming from the audifans server, and it is not 
likely to be coming from someone on the list who has an infected computer. 
The audifans server checks each post for viruses, and if you think about it, 
as long as listers send their replies directly to the server instead of 
individuals it makes it unlikely that your address will be in someone's 
address book for a virus to extract.  Every so often I get e-mail responses 
from servers I know I've never deliberately sent mail to (pretty sure not 
even indirectly through a list server) which send me an autoresponse 
indicating that I tried to send a message to a non-existent address there. 
I figure that e-mail addresses are flying around the Internet in e-mails, 
and folks have some way to snag them and use them for spam.  To me this is a 
form of identity theft, but when I contacted the DA's office to ask them to 
investigate they never even responded.

This week at work there were some virus laden e-mails going around that 
appeared to be sent by the IT folks at our company!

My recommendation to you and all others who are concerned about this is just 
to be careful for yourself, be extremely suspicious of all e-mails, 
especially those with attachments, and protect yourself with anti-virus 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

----- Original Message ----- 
I'm receiving many many {Virus?} flagged email with attachments removed by 
my ISP, and one of them forged his address into 
16216.lakemtai07.cox.net at audifans.com. Is it possible one of our fellow 
listers has an infected (Worm) computer?? This is going on for months now 
and I was wondering of any of you have these Virus warnings too. Please run 
your Ad-Aware or similar virus killer now!

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