[urq] RE : Vacuum limiter

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Tue Feb 21 14:21:56 EST 2006

Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

>Looks like it, indeed.
>But you didn't answer my question (or I don't understand your answer...):
>what's its role, or effect, on the engine fueling ?
>Is it related to the emission's control ? 
>And why is it installed ONLY on the WX ? 
>I am asking all this because I must work on Eric's car fueling, and I want
>to understand every little bit of the CIS.
Its also used on GV engines, and it is a simple vacuum operated pressure 
regulator, same as turbo bypass valve, but instead of releasing pressure 
into turbo inlet, it releases it into IM. Nothing to do with  emission 
or fuel control. The fuel control is strictly via FP, check valve, 
thermo time switch, system pressure reg. and WUR As on any CIS, fuel 
gauge kit is a must. Have a look here: 


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