[urq] RS2 Injectors - worth the $s?

Rob Pecsar rpecsar at pacbell.net
Sat Feb 18 10:12:55 EST 2006

Anyone out there with some RS2 Fuel Injector "been there, done that"?

So far, I have the MTM stage 1 (software and upgrade pressure 
transducer), and the RS2 exhaust manifold.

Is there much performance at the next stage if I install the $645(!) RS2 
Fuel Injectors with the RS2 Turbo? Hoppen Motorsports(MTM rep) says you 
can safely upgrade to the RS2 turbo with or without the injectors, with 
different software in each case. What they can't seem to tell me is has 
much H/P or torque am I leaving on the table by not upgrading the Injectors.

MTM/Hoppen claims:
    Stage 1 software put you at 280 HP - 332 lb/ft @ 2800
    Stage 2 (more software & RS2 exhaust manifold = 290 HP - 340 lb/ft @ 
    Stage 3 (software & RS2 manifold/turbo/injectors) = 335 HP

Also, anyone know of a much better price than $129/ea RS2 injector?

Thanks for the help,

Rob Pecsar
95 urS6


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