[urq] One lawsuit against manufactures might help us - manufacturers had to share parts specs.

steven j michellepfeiffersx at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 1 15:45:16 EDT 2006

In the USA 15+ years ago I read that manufactures
either were not allowed to share part specs with their
own replacement part division - or they had to share
their part specs with competitors.  This was some kind
of unfair competion lawsuit that claimed the
manufactures had an unfair advantage in the
replacement part market.    My recollection is fuzzy. 
  If anyone knows more about this - it might open the
door on lower prices for group buys or parts runs. 

Back in the early 80's car stereo companies won a
similiar  non-competitive complaint ,  which forced
manufactures to sell cars without stereo system.  This
lawsuit might have been for only a few year - I don't
notice anyone today complaining about having to get a
car with a OEM stereo system. 

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