[urq] sudden stumbling (RESOLVED!)

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Sat Jul 1 17:38:09 EDT 2006



I'm guessing he has the ABT /taxi gauge pod like I had on my '83 that  
extends to the right of the Instrument cluster.  Then it all depends  
on how the gauge was wired up.


On Jul 1, 2006, at 4:06 PM, urq wrote:

> Congrats on the find!  Are you also saying that the stumble is  
> fixed?  If so
> it would be interesting, but not really surprising, knowing that  
> the ECU is
> sensitive to low voltage.
> What sort of voltmeter do you have?  I don't think the urq ever had a
> voltmeter.  If it is wired per the factory wiring like my old Audi  
> Fox, the
> problem is that the voltmeter is wired into the same circuits that  
> power the
> cabin blower fan.  When the blower was set to full speed the  
> voltmeter would
> read less than 10 volts!  Of course the battery voltage was never  
> really
> that low.  What I found was that the real culprit on the voltage  
> drop was
> the ground.  The current from the fan through the ground wire  
> created a
> voolt or more of drop.  Since the same ground is the reference for  
> the other
> gauges, they would also give faulty readings.  If you find  
> something like
> this, create a direct connection from the gauges to ground.  The  
> +12 supply
> is a bit more difficult ... you need to find a circuit that is  
> switched
> (don't want the meter to wear down the battery after all!) but has  
> very low
> voltage drop from the source.  I suppose if you wanted to know  
> *exactly*
> what the battery voltage was you could dedicate a relay to switch  
> the supply
> to the meter on and off with the ignition ...
> Steve B
> San Jose, CA (USA)
>> Well, I think I have it all licked.  Turns out most of the problem  
>> was a
>> bad exciter wire D+ on the alternator.  I had to run a new from the
>> instrument cluster (pin 12-2).  The motor runs like a champ now.  New
>> plugs didn't hurt either.  I am getting 13.8v at the alternator  
>> post and
>> 13.6v at the fuse box.  Now to figure out why the gauge that reads
>> voltage in my dash somewhere, reads a full volt low.  I also still  
>> want
>> to inspect my splice joint. Thanks for all the help guys.
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