[urq] Acetone fuel additive, your opinion please

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Wed Jul 5 23:45:21 EDT 2006

I looked into this pretty seriously several months ago, and my friend 
tried it out for a little while in his Subaru (2.5RS).  Acetone is a 
ketone, so it lowers the surface tension of petroleum products like 
gasoline and diesel, some more than others of course.  The idea is that 
lowering the surface tension a little helps the fuel to atomize better 
and in turn combust more completely.  Since it's in such a miniscule 
volume, its chemical effects on combustion are pretty minimal.  Where I 
live, there are no smog tests.  I'd like to run some emissions tests in 
a smogged city/state on a fully tuned and catalyzed car to see exactly 
how much it changes things.

I think my friend saw about 3-4mpg in the short term (high 20s to low 
30s), and I think that engine's in desperate need of a tuneup.  Whether 
that means a nicer engine would see greater or lesser gains is hard to 
say.  I need to get him to try it on his Miata...that's in much better 

I have seen reports of cleaner valves and spark plugs with the use of 
acetone, but I suspect that's more a result of the slightly higher 
combustion temperatures than any chemical action.  As far as long term 
side-effects...well, I got a D in chemistry.  Things to consider are how 
fuel system parts are going to react to a ketone.  Things like...what 
happens to rubber o-rings, what happens to metal hardlines after 100k 
miles?  I still haven't found any documented evidence either way, so 
it's still a little questionable.  I've seen a lot of acetone crusaders 
and not many leaning the other way, but that doesn't really mean 
anything conclusive.  We all know there's plenty of snake oil out there...


Maurits Jonkergouw wrote:
> Has anybody ever used Acetone as a fuel additive (max. 0.3%) in the past (or 
> present) and what are the possible short / long-term effects? Does it lean 
> out the mixture? Does it 'clean' any carbon residue way too much and thus 
> better not used with old engines such as ours?
> Regards,
> Maurits
> 1986 quattro GV
> 1985 Coupe GT KV
> 1982 Coupe GL DD 
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