[urq] Vital info for old Audi models (MUST READ)

Ado Sigal a.sigal at bluewin.ch
Mon Jul 10 17:38:45 EDT 2006

These parts are only available for clubs who register, and only until 31 
Oct. N America or Canada are not registered  yet, urge ACNA or other 
clubs to do it, or no Urq parts would go that way. For e-parts though, 
any individual can register, but there is more parts on Audifans than 
there. However, for us in Europe this place and other contacts through 
registered clubs, its already a step in right direction. The ACI site is 
terribly put together, haven't seen anything this bad from official 
sites in a while.

This is ACI text for USA:
The ACI Board is still in contact with the "Audi Club of North America" 
and other american clubs. It is more than likely that Miss Karen 
Chadwick will become the Ambassador.

BTW, early or new type ball joints are reparable, sway bar bushings most 
probably can be found at Poly bushings provider, but for this you need 



urquattro at comcast.net wrote:

>So...not to ask TOO obvious of a question; but can someone who speaks German find out if the early ball joints and/or sway-bar bushings are available through this program? I know that there are at least a few listers who do; where's Ralf Weisner (sp?) anyway? 

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