[urq] The ebay urq
Ingo Rautenberg
i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Mon Jul 10 23:35:04 EDT 2006
Aha! Congratulations. I had a feeling it was as clean as it was
advertised as being :-)
'84 urq - '91 V8 5 spd - '93 V8 - '90 V8 (project) - '93 90s
On Jul 10, 2006, at 9:25 PM, Quattro wrote:
> DJD sed: I was following the white one... but the seller cancelled
> all bids
> and ended it early. Must have made a deal with someone.
> The answer: Why yes, you are correct. Last week I decided to
> drive the 2+
> hours up to Bellingham to see the car, as I have been shopping for
> a nice
> example for a while. Upon arrival, I knew I was in trouble, as the
> car is
> very clean. I came to an agreement with the seller, and this
> Alpine white
> example now resides in my garage.
> A few of you may know me, or of me. I bought Duane Hale's
> converted 4ktq
> right after MH99, and have had a lot of fun with it. I have worked
> for many
> years in the local and national clubs, and am now semi-retired from
> those
> endeavors. As I got more proficient with maintenance (and older!), I
> thought I might be up to the challenges of an Urq, and so here we
> are. BTW
> I have been on the quattro list for many years, mostly lurking, and
> have
> lurked over here for several years as well. I've gotta say the s/n
> here is
> about the best I have seen on any internet forum.
> This car is really as nice as it seems from the ebay pics, and
> more. The
> car shows a long standard of proper maintenance and thoughtful
> upgrades.
> Sure there are some items that need attending to, but if it were
> perfect
> what would be the point?
> OBTW the fusebox on this car is definitely under the dash.
> Proud new urq owner,
>>>>>> Bernie
> 83 Alpine white 900231
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