[urq] Fiber Images & Paris, ME

DSPFLAUM at aol.com DSPFLAUM at aol.com
Wed Jul 12 14:47:59 EDT 2006

I've been kinda stuck down here in FL with problems with my '92 S4 so I  
haven't been following the group. I do have an '83 URQ that has been  sitting 
@Klause since Sept. (I did manage to get it out for our Sunday at Lars  & lost 
reverse). I had both sub-frames, & most everything I could take  off, sand 
blasted & powder coated. I took the hood & trunk deck off  my (long gone) '87 GT 
Coupe & had them put on. If you guys are doing a GB on  a hood (or trunk deck 
lid) fill me in. I tried to "google" in "Fiber Images"  & got a locked web site: 
_www.fiberimages.com_ (http://www.fiberimages.com)  
If anyone can figure out how to get that musty "sat in a barn for 5 yrs"  
odor our of the car I'd appreciate.
Brett, I think you were one of those that sent me info on my S4 external  
temp sensor issue.  I just wanted to say Thanks.
To bring everyone up on this the dash external temp display dropped to -48F  
( No I am not in the Arctic) which kicked off the a/c. It finally raised back 
to  the "normal" +92F-+104F range.
Tom in TN is is sending me one which I should get today. It turns out that  
the front one was missing so the reading was coming from the one under the  
plenum. It must have gotten wet & shorted out causing the error. 

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