[urq] '83 A/C, burnt wiring smell

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Tue Jul 18 01:18:14 EDT 2006

In a message dated 7/17/2006 9:31:04 PM Mountain Daylight Time,  
i.rautenberg at waratap.com writes:

Yes.  There is a relay behind the fusebox that gets really,  really  
hot.  Can't say exactly which, but I seem to recall it's  the 2nd or  
3rd from the left with the glovebox removed.  Not  sure whether the  
relay in my case was defective, but I DO KNOW it  was melting its  
socket.  In my case when I slowed down the  whole interior of the car  
filled with smoke and I quickly removed  the relay (which was useless  
in a car with AC system removed).   Don't have the IST documents in  
front of me, so I'll let someone  else chime in...


On Jul 17, 2006, at 7:34 PM,  djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:

> Again, on my "new" '83...
>  After a few hours of chasing wire routing, and after evacuating and   
> recharging the system (R406a, BTW), I now have an excellent   
> performing A/C system in this '83.  However, now that the A/C  is  
> working well, I am getting the familiar early car stink of  hot/ 
> burning plastic wire insulation inside the car after the A/C  has  
> been on for about a half hour.  Turn the A/C off, and  the stink  
> quickly goes away.
> My  thoughts...
> When the A/C is on, the cooling fan on this car  runs at a moderate  
> speed... full time.  This is the only  additional electrical  
> accessory that operates when the A/C is  on, except for power to the  
> compressor clutch itself, which is  a fairly low current.  My  
> thought is that the source of  the hot wires must be something  
> linked to the cooling fan  system, but as yet, have been unable to  
> actually locate the hot  wires.  My other thought is that maybe the  
> fan itself is  drawing too much current due to its age, even though  
> it spins  pretty freely by hand.
> Any '83 gurus have any suggestions on  where to start looking?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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My car shows the same relay socket melted as well. I believe it is second  
from right, or thrid from left. It should be obvious and deformed.

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