[urq] Rotary Compressor?

Renneisen, Eric 475 Eric.Renneisen at CIGNA.com
Tue Jul 18 12:29:54 EDT 2006

Andrew wrote:
> I have bought them from Kragen
> I'll have to double check this PN at home, but I believe we 
> want right hand suction. No puns Bill.

Yes, the urq compressor is righthand suction.  As much as I'd 
love to get a new or rebuilt one for $100, I have a hard time 
believing the one listed on that site is correct, because of 
all the models it says it fits.  The 5-cyl 4K and 4KQ used a 
full sized York with lefthand suction.  The 4-cyl 4K (and I 
think all the VWs) used a mini York with RH suction, but the 
ports were on the back instead of the top.

The VAG P/N for the urq compressor isn't used anywhere else. 
I spoke to someone at CCI (they have the rights to these type 
of Yorks), and he said they could build a brand new one, but 
it would probably cost several thousand dollars!

Eric R.
'86 urq
'93 S4

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