[urq] 034 EFI

urquattro at comcast.net urquattro at comcast.net
Thu Jul 20 14:35:47 EDT 2006

I saw the fuel rail in question a few days ago; and with all due respect to Javad (And I DO have great respect for his contributions and accomplishments), I believe "That's how they are" is not an acceptable answer to a leaking fuel rail connection. 

If the connection to the rail is not foolproof and straightforward to the retail consumer, the engineering of the product is not complete. Such a simple part of the assembly process should not be "trial and error". If my understanding of the problem is correct (and I -have- seen it), I believe the fuel rail should be sold with a  fuel line fitting and possibly a 1-2' length of leader line already tig-welded on which the consumer can then connect to with a standard fitting. If this adds to the price of the product, I think the additional cost is more than warranted for 034's own protection. I personally would happily pay an extra $50 for the product if I knew I was circumventing a dangerous stumbling block by doing so.

Again, no disrespect or negativity intended to Javad, but I feel a closer look at the way the product is packaged is warranted.

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:41:45 -0700
From: "Justin" <cbrooks2 at san.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [urq] 034 EFI
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <000001c6ac0b$46440b40$bf8f4b42 at toshibauser>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"

Bill, Javad has sold many of these units.  I've got one in my 4kq turbo. No
problems at all. They will leak ab bit at first cause it's aluminum
threads...that's how they are.

Did you try Telfon paste?  My install would not stop leaking until I used
the paste.  Now it's dry.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Bennett" <bill_bennett at comcast.net>
To: "Javad Shadzi" <javad at 034motorsport.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:22 PM
Subject: [urq] 034 EFI

> and the fuel leaks on the fuel rail directly above the exhaust manifold
> until I chose to have the fittings tigged, it was not spot on, your rail
> sucked wind, it leaks gas sure hope you upgrade it, so it does not drip
> gasoline on the exhaust manifold, tigging the AN fittings stopped the
> no sealant could cure the leak, cost me another $50.00 to have the
> tigged, thank the spirits that the non replaceable car did not get set on
> fire... nothing could replace this car,, ever

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