[urq] DIY day for ACNA members August 5th at Klaus (Southern NH)

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Tue Jul 25 14:22:58 EDT 2006

Hey all!  Klaus Euromotive in Londonderry, NH has graciously agreed  
to open up its shop for a DIY day for ACNA members.  Doors open at 8,  
we'll be wrapping up at 5.  That should be plenty of time to get  
yourself into (and out of) trouble.  If you're not a member, online  
signup is available at www.audiclubna.org...$44 for you, another  
family member is another $10.

   Klaus will be discounting parts ordered in advance as well as  
providing free installation on APR DirectPort upgrades, and we'll  
have the use of their lifts and -specialized- tools. Given $44 is  
about half an hour's labor these days :-), it's the steal of the  
century if you have something on your car you've been meaning to get  
to, but didn't have the ramps, specialized VAG tool 1234, or a peanut  
gallery of Audi enthusiasts :-)

You are more than welcome to come and 'spectate' to see how stuff is  
done, or jump in and help out others.  The more, the merrier, and  
it'd be great to see listers there...and I KNOW you guys like DIY  
days :-)

All you need to do is call (1-866-645-5287) or email  
(sales at klauseuromotive.com) the gents over at Klaus, tell them if  
you're 'performer' or 'audience', and if you'd like to do something  
on your car, tell 'em what you'd like to do.  They're in charge of  
making sure there's enough lift space and time and will get back to  
you with a yea/nea.  If you're going to need parts for said repairs  
(or need parts in general), chat with them about that too.

   If you have any questions, you can email me and if I can't answer  
it, I'll get you to someone who can.

PS: We also have a driving 'clinic' August 26th for those of you who  
would like to do something a little less 'intense' than a full-blown  
2-day track-based event, a new/inexperienced driver in the family, or  
someone who would just like to have some fun zigging around some  
cones :-)  Check out the chapter's website (www.naaclub.org) for more  
info on this and other upcoming events.  We've also got some mailing  
lists you can sign up for, like a one-way "announce" list we publish  
announcements of new events to.

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