[urq] best auto shipper experiences

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 20:38:55 EDT 2006

No personal experience, but Intercity lines is a good shipper- they do the
Carrera GTs for

Horseless Carriage is another good shipper- I see them handling a lot of
exotic cars at the
vintage races.

Personally, I would try to go enclosed if at all possible- make sure they
have insurance, GPS
tracking, see how they load the cars, whether stuff can drip down from the
top car to the lower
car, how protected from road debris.

Terminal to terminal is much cheaper than door-to-door, reduces the chance
that your car will
have to go on multiple carriers, etc. It would be a major PITA for a
semi-trailer to get to my house
due to the width and curvature of a lot of the roads.


On 7/19/06, Wylie Bean <theringmeister at triad.rr.com> wrote:
> Anyone care to share good/bad experiences with auto shippers (cross
> country?) and details/prices for more recent experiences.
> Door-to-door would be best, but others welcome as well.
> Enclosed/open, runners/projects, etc.
> Thanks
> Wylie Bean
> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
> 90 Cq
> 99.5 A4 Avant 1.8Tq
> 01 allroad q 2.7T
> (??this space available??)
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