[urq] Restoration and troubleshooting - WAS - Fuel tank "bong" noise...

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Thu Jun 8 11:01:37 EDT 2006

Thanks Ingo.

For me, this car is a hobby more than a mean of transportation. It is
just the following of my childhood when I was building model toys,
(remember AMT or MPC or Johan anyone ?), then I played with circle
flight model planes, (Cox 049 anyone ?), I even installed one of these
engine to drive the front axle of my 1/6th-scale GI-Joe Jeep ! 

Now, at 40, I still play with toys, but they just are bigger. 

Your book idea is interesting, but since I publish all my stuff on this
list, you would buy one ? :-)


> De : Ingo Rautenberg [mailto:i.rautenberg at waratap.com] 
> L-A
> I think you can write your own Urq "How to" restoration and 
> troubleshooting book when you're done ;-)
> Ingo

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