[urq] RE : Personal steering wheel adaptor

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Fri Jun 9 19:35:44 EDT 2006

No.  I think there was one, but if the steering wheel is the one I am  
thinking of, it was made by two manufacturers, one of which was  
Nardi.  However, you do NOT want to use a modern Nardi adapter.  The  
Momo is still my preferred choice.


On Jun 9, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> Thanks !
> So I suppose the Audi adapter is NLA, or there was none for the Typ 85
> cars...? In any case, the Momo 8010 adaptor looks to be the
> easiest-fastest way to go.
> Eric, if you do go to Eldorauto next week, ask them for the 8010 Momo
> adaptor in addition to the VDO 150-035-001 boost gauge... I am sure it
> will be cheaper there in France than here in Montreal... not that you
> are a penny pincher in any way...:-))
> Louis-Alain
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> L-A
>> What he needs is  #8010 Momo adapter.  Plus he will need to
>> drill holes and retap for the mounts as they are offset right
>> in the middle between the stock Momo screw holes.  At least
>> that's how I remember it...
>> Ingo
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Louis-Alain Richard" <laraa at sympatico.ca>
>>> Eric just bought an almost new Audi sport steering wheel
>> from a 80 or 90. Problem is the adaptor is not the right one for his
> urQuattro.
>>> Anybody has a source for these, are they all the same among the
>>> steering wheel manufacturers ?
>>> Louis-Alain

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