[urq] Windshield seal
martin at quattro.ca
martin at quattro.ca
Fri Mar 10 13:58:28 EST 2006
Unless you cut the original seal or someone has glued it in, you should be
able to reuse the old one without any problems BTDT.
Or a used one should be available from a Coupe etc. etc.
I don't know how well an aftermarket seal would fit, you don't want any
leaks once the new windshield is in.
> About two winters ago, my windshield broke on my UrQuattro due to an over
> loaded (with snow) framed canopy falling onto it. The only real damage was
> a
> broken windshield. I just bought a brand new windshield from Audi and at
> the same
> time, ordered a seal for it. The seal is not available? Is there an
> after-market seal for our cars? Anyone have a source for these?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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