[urq] Swaybar bushings, no go...:-((

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 13 13:28:51 EST 2006

Title says it all: the mold for the end bushings will be way too
expensive (2000$) for the small number of units that we need. Sorry to
tell you that.


While browsing the shelves of my FLAPS, I found some Mercedes bushings
that I think will work for the inner ones.

Part number : 201 323 4985. Price is a way too inexpensive at 2.70$ each

These are perfectly round black rubber bushings, with 2 big "ridges",
between which the metal strap fits perfectly. Inner diameter is 23mm.
Outer diameter is a bit bigger than the metal strap. Rubber durometer is
softer than the green outer units, but similar to the black inner units.

I did some flattening on one side, and removed some material on the 2
adjacent perpendicular surfaces, so the "reworked" bushing look a bit
more like the correct Audi NLA parts. And there was no need to slip it
since I was able to pass it over the loop at the end of the new-style
swaybar with just liquid soap. Bonus, the bar is now very clean !

One set is installed on Eric's car, and another will be soon on my car.
Let's see how long they last. 

As for the outer bushings, my quest is still on...


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