[urq] Eibachs
martin at quattro.ca
martin at quattro.ca
Tue Mar 14 15:39:26 EST 2006
Actually three different versions for the typ 85
Two for Ur-q, one progressive and one sport.
One for the 4000 quattro as well.
Funny but H&R has the same spring for both, Ur-q and 4kq.
Anyhoo.. I had the 4kq version on my Ur-q and it was way too low in the
front. With H&Rs it's a bit better, but still a bit too riceish...
So I just got the stock springs with Billies and now I am very happy with
the ride and look.
> Guys-
> are there two versions of Eibachs for the urq? I ask b/c my car w/
> Eibachs seems to sit low in front. I don't think the 20V is really much
> heavier than the 10V but I could be mistaken. Was wondering if maybe
> there is a set for cars with A/c and a set for cars with no A/C. IIRC
> Audi had different springs for RR cars depending on A/C....
> Anywya - if anybody knows anything about this stuff...
> Brandon '84 ur
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