[urq] More URQ weird behavior

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Thu Mar 16 08:19:05 EST 2006

I now have 2 issues to sort that may or may not be related.
Whatever triggers the fuel pump - doesn't.
I can run the pump manually and the car runs fine. Shut off the override  
switch and it immediately dies.
If I don't manually run the pump, it will catch and die. I can hear the  pump 
run briefly and then shut off.
I replaced the RPM flywheel sensor last night to no avail.
What sensor is read to trigger the pump circuit in the ECU?
I have triple checked the fuse and the relay and wiggled the wires for both  
while cranking.
Thanks for all the replies about the "hit a bump cutout" issue. I have a  new 
Hall sender to install, and in the mean time replaced the distributor with a  
known good spare.

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